I do, however, own creative control of the content, and I'd like to make it a hub for cool and interesting poetry and/or short stories...because why not?
So here is a poem written not by me, but by my 80-something year old grandmother, Patricia Sorich.
My grandmother is quite possibly the coolest person on the planet. She lives in Butte and has been a huge influence on who I am.
Here's a poem she wrote some 20 years ago but has never been read by anyone other than her, my aunt and myself. Until now:
Sounds of Life
by Patricia Sorich
A robust wail announcing baby’s birth
Gleeful giggles defining a childhood
fun and mirth
Shy adolescent twitters masking braces,
acne and teen age fears
Pubescent cries of silence “I am too
old for tears”!
Tender whispers declaring the love of
man and wife
Gentle words of wisdom guiding a
child’s life
Happy chuckles holding a grandchild’s
Rhythm of the rocker, contentment has
found this man
Sounds to soon muted, it’s time to
say “goodbye”
Life began so lustily now ends with a
simple sigh