I'm sure that most people who read this can connect the dots here, but if not I'm taking this chance to make it explicitly clear if it ever becomes fuzzy in the future.
This blog is 100 percent mine and mine alone. I speak for myself here, that's it.
If anyone has a problem with anything written in this blog, which no one has yet but it's certainly possible it could happen, the views expressed here come from me, Jake Sorich. I do not speak for any other party either implicitly or explicitly stated.
When you visit this site, you're doing so understanding it's a place where I state my personal opinions about cultural events and releases I find interesting enough to write about.
I'm also not trying to compete with anyone else's opinions about the same types of things happening around town.
I'm of the opinion that the more opinions we can bring to the table about any given subject, especially as subjective as art and culture, which very much leans more subjective than objective, the better.
Finally, I'm not profiting from this blog at all, either. I write these views as a way of promoting arts in our community with the attempt to help raise awareness, and create an honest dialogue about what we're creating. The more we can be honest with each other about our creative undertakings, the better. We can never grow until we learn where we must improve, first.
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Comments are welcome and encouraged. If you have an opinion on a review or more information about an event or release I've written about, feel free to share it in the comments section.
Please keep your comments civil. If a comment unfairly attacks someone, I will attempt to contact you and I reserve the right to remove it depending on what it is. feel free to email me at jake.sorich@gmail.com for further questions about comments.